Shipping policy

  • Free worldwide shipping.
  • Average delivery time 4-6 working days.
  • When pre-ordering, the number of days for shipping will be calculated at the time the items become available in the warehouse.
  • Our courier delivers from Monday to Friday during business hours and will make three delivery attempts. After the third failed attempt, your order will be returned to our warehouse. Please note that once you have placed an order, it is no longer possible to modify your shipping address. Please contact Customer Service should you have any questions about your order.
  • When ordering goods from for overseas deliveries, you may be subject to import duties and/or taxes, which are levied once the package reaches the specified destination. Any additional charges for customs clearance are considered outside of our control and Miomojo cannot predict the value of what these charges may be.

For further information on custom and excise policies in your Country, please contact your local customs office. When ordering from Miomojo you are considered the importer and are therefore responsible to comply with all laws and regulations of the Country into which you are receiving the goods.

* United Kingdom Brexit update

The United Kingdom left the European Union on January 31, 2020. From 1 January 2021, customs declarations are required for goods to clear the border, as the UK left the single market and the customs union. This means that shipments go through customs clearance and any import duties and VAT on import are also calculated.

As per the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, customs duty applies if the item is valued over £135 and will be settled according to the current duty and rates at the time of dispatch to the UK. Import duty then may be charged at the point of delivery.